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COVID - 19

Resources and Links Fact Sheets

For the most recent information use the following links:

Due to the ever changing nature of the information these sites are kept updated - be sure

to review the information regularly and use the most recent publication.

The Treasury - Stimulus Packages and Fact Sheets

ATO - Covid 19

Service NSW - Small business assistance from the NSW Government

Lifeline - Covid 19

 OR call the 24hour/7day a week number 13 11 144 // text: 0477 13 11 14 (6pm-midnight AEDT, 7 nights)

or chat online:  (7pm-midnight, 7 nights) - Coronavirus information and support for business

Services Australia - affected by coronavirus

NSW Small Business Commissioner - Covid 19 information for small business owners


Level 1, 48-50 Church Street, Dubbo, NSW, 2830

02 6884 5888

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